Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It'a Boy!!! First Glimpse of Harrison

"Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west." [Isaiah 43:5]
"你不要懼怕,因為我與你同在;我必把你的後裔從東方領回來,又從西方招聚你。" 【賽43:5】

The news couldn't have come to me in a more dramatic fashion:

7 Nov. 2006, on the day of the most adverse weather conditions for this time of the year--a torrential downpour of rain for over 3 days, causing mud & rock slides, flooding, washouts, and closing down railway operations on both sides of the Fraser Canyon. It was after a 20-hour away-from-home layover, and having been ordered to operate my train over unfamiliar territory (CP Rail), due to track closure on our side (CN Rail) of the river. It was exactly noon when my cell phone rang amidst the thundering roar of the locomotive, as I was at full throttle pulling through the last of the ascending grades out of the Canyon, heading onto the gentler, kinder grades of the Fraser River. It was Eva informing me that our adoption agency had just called, and she has to go and pick up our adoption-proposal from China.

Neither one of us bother to ask for any further details, on both of our receiving phone calls...

It was almost an hour later when she'd called again, after she was taken totally by surprise, that we're virtually the winners of the-luck-of-the-draw, in a 2 percentile probability, that the Lord has blessed us with a BOY from China!

By the time I arrived at home, all I had time for was to change quickly and head for our church, for the weekly Alpha Course. The good news certainly brought joy, laughter, hugs & kisses from all around, asking for his name-to-be. I was up to the challenge from Brother Roger who'd said that since our family name starts with the letter "H", his (or her) initials should be "HRH", initials befitting regal stature; therefore, his name shall be Harrison Robin Hui, with a homophonic Chinese name. (“Har-ri-son” 許禮信 - 中國的 “禮義廉恥” The virtuous gentleman: Propriety, Justice, Honesty, and Honor,和基督的 “信望愛” The pious Christian: Faith, Hope, and Love) The attached photos are provided by courtesy of the SWI (Social Welfare Institute).

Harrison was born on 21 Feb.2005, in the City of Ma'An Shan 馬鞍山, along the Yangtze River. Ma'An Shan is a prosperous city in the middle of the industrial heartland of China, which is known for its iron & coal production. The city is located in close proximity to Nanjing, Shanghai, and Hefei 合淝市 (the provincial capital of Anhui 安徽省). May I salute her diligence, for Eva was quick to locate the phone number of the orphanage, working with only the name (Ma'Anshan SWI) of the institution on the proposal. Contact has already been made with the director, and local support upon our eventual arrival has also been secured.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord. Now, may we pray for the blessing of parental wisdom, discernment, love & patience to bring this child up to be a godly person.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings of congratulations from Bermuda. Home & talk to you soon.

7:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Alex & Eva,

Praise the LORD! WOW! We are so thankful for you! Harrison is a lovely boy. What a wonderful name both in English and Chinese. He is so blessed that he can be brought up in a Christian family. We are glad to hear the news and thank you for sharing your joy with us. We are not only excited to see Harrison's photos, but also wating to hug him.

There will be a lot of things to do and plan for Harrison. If you want to plan some activities for him in the future, I have a good suggestion for you. Harrison is welcome to join AWANA. This is a children's program that our church has, and it's already in it's 5th year. Harrison may start to explore AWANA at the age of 3. Bear this in mind, I hope I can serve him in AWANA.

We look forward to seeing and hugging him.

May God bless you and Harrison! May His glory shine through your family!

Love in Christ,
Grace and Stanley and Eddie

8:58 PM  

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