Friday, November 24, 2006

Sweet Dreams Harrison...

A sweet feeling swept over me as I finally went to bed at 0400 this morning, knowing that God has looked after the smallest details about Harrison...

Two week ago, when we learned of Harrison's hometown, Ma'Anshan, being a renowned industrial city known for its iron & coal production; we had images of an orphanage being housed in an upper flat of a high-rise building, with the lower floors being used as factories.

To satisfy our curiosity on little baby Harrison, and in view of the fact that adoptive-parents are not permitted to visit the orphanage at the time of adoption, we'd joined a Yahoo Group of adoptive families with children from the exact same orphanage. As it turned out, many of the parents have since made the pilgrimage to this orphanage with their adopted child. They posted numerous photos and stories at this website, complete with no less than a Google-Earth Placemarker for the orphanage.

To our utter amazement, the Ma'Anshan SWI is a complex with surroundings similar to that of a Spartan country club. It is far removed from the city center, on the other side of the mighty Yangtze River. The vast expanse of agricultural fields and gentle rolling hills provides for the pastoral backdrop. The complex is nicely designed with buildings of no more than 3 storeys; a wing for the seniors, aptly named "Social Welfare Institute"; and a wing for the actual "Children Welfare Institute". The grounds are well-appointed with playgrounds, manicured lawns, flower beds, rock garden with waterfalls, and a man-made lake; a great setting even to the photo enthusiast.

Photos of the inside revealed a congenial environment for the children: classrooms, playrooms, dining facilities, nursery for infants, dorms for the toddlers and the older kids. The orphanage director is a lady of middle-age, whose radiant smiles and aura of loving kindness could certainly invite anyone to call her "MaMa". Her staff also seemed to have been carefully selected to provide the loving care to all of the children.

Following is the Mission Statement of the Alliance for Children Foundation : "The Alliance for Children Foundation is an international relief organization dedicated to improving the physical and emotional well being of abandoned children living in orphanages in Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America. The Foundation's projects in medical care, basic needs, and education seek to heal, strengthen and empower the world's most vulnerable children, especially those who are less likely to be adopted due to age or special needs. Our programs provide these children with an otherwise impossible opportunity for a better future".

The Ma'Anshan SWI is just one of their many beneficiaries in China. You may click on either one of the links to see detail stories and photos of their endeavors.

Beam me up, Scotty... If you have the Google-Earth software installed in your PC,

you're only a click away: Google-Earth Placemarker;

otherwise, try this Google Maps marker via satellite,

to stop in and say "Hi" to Harrison...

If you can see the semi-cloverleaf interchange on the highway, take the major thoroughfare to the East, then a first left-hand turn on a road that runs in a north-easterly direction, follow by another first left-hand turn. That is the driveway leading up to the compound of the MAS SWI on the right.

Sweet dreams Harrison... Sweet dreams, Daddy & Mommy, until we meet.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alex, this place sounds wonderful, I think it will make a really good retirement home for me.

4:24 PM  

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