Friday, December 08, 2006

Setting the Stage for ACT II

The story begins in China:

As of 10:00 PST, the last piece of the puzzle is in place. The much anticipated TA (fondly regarded as the "Travel Approval", officially the "Notice of Coming to China for Adoption" certificate from CCAA 中國收養中心) has arrived. With that in hand, we can prepare in earnest for our adoption-journey to China for Harrison.

There will be 3 stops in China: Shanghai for some R&R, to get ourselves acquainted with the new time zone (16 hrs. diff. than ours); then onto the provincial capital of Anhui, the City of Hefei, for the official business of the adoption. The third stop of the journey will be China's national capital, the City of Beijing, for the governmental order of business.

Furthermore, preceeding to all of this, I'm happy to announce that on 20 Dec.2006, I'll be hanging up my skates, so to speak... I'll be putting my Backpack for Work out to pasture, officially closing the curtain for ACT I...

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you, the new, the versatile Backpack for Toddler. This will be the official carrier for Harrison on daddy's back, navigating around the throngs of humanity that is China!!!

Thus, the curtain-raiser for ACT II.

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